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Teach Your Child Piano In The Homeschool - Monthly Subscription Plan
Module 1 - Finding Groups of 2 and 3
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - Groups of 2 and 3
Repertoire Piece - Hot Cross Buns
Video - Hot Cross Buns (RH) (1:56)
Video - Hot Cross Buns (LH) (0:52)
Module 2 - Finding C, D, and E
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - Musical Alphabet
Repertoire Piece - Mary Had A Little Lamb
Video - Mary Had A Little Lamb (RH) (0:47)
Video - Mary Had A Little Lamb (LH) (0:45)
Module 3 - Finding F, G, A and B
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Repertoire Piece - Jingle Bells (Letters)
Video - Jingle Bells (RH) (0:49)
Video - Jingle Bells (LH) (0:47)
Review 1 - Modules 1 - 3
Module 4 - Introduction to Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Grand Staff, Bar line and Double Bar lines
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Grand Staff
Repertoire Piece - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Letters)
Video - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (RH) (1:10)
Video - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (LH) (0:53)
Module 5 - Introduction to Octave and Finding Middle C
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - Middle C
Repertoire Piece - Ode to Joy (Letters)
Video - Ode To Joy (RH) (0:48)
Video - Ode To Joy (LH) (0:36)
Module 6 - Whole Note
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - Line Note, Space Note, Whole Note
Repertoire Piece - Row, Row, Row, A Boat (Letters)
Video - Row Row Row A Boat (RH) (1:23)
Video - Row Row Row A Boat (LH) (2:26)
Review 2 - Modules 1 - 6
Module 7 - Treble Clef Line Notes
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Game - Ice Cream Notes (Stave and Keyboard)
Flashcards - D, Treble Clef Line Notes, Keyboard, Individual Treble Clef Line Notes
Repertoire Piece - Brother John
Video - Brother John (Letters) (1:47)
Module 8 - Treble Clef Space Notes
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - G, Treble Clef Space Notes with Keyboard, Individual Treble Clef Flashcards, Musical Alphabet
Repertoire Piece - Saints Go Marching (Treble Clef Notes)
Video - Saints Go Marching (Treble Clef) (2:44)
Module 9 - C Major Scale
Presentation Handouts
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - C Major Scale Fingering and Keyboard, Finger Numbers, Musical Alphabet
Repertoire Piece - Baa Baa Black Sheep (Treble Clef Notes)
Video - Baa Baa Black Sheep (Treble Clef) (3:22)
Review 3 - Modules 1 - 9
Module 10 - Bass Clef Line Notes
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - F, Bass Clef Line Notes with Keyboard, Individual Flashcards with Bass Clef Line Notes, Musical Alphabet
Repertoire Piece - This Old Man (Treble Clef Notes)
Video - This Old Man (Treble Clef) (1:13)
Module 11 - Bass Clef Space Notes
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - B, Bass Clef Space Notes with Keyboard, Individual Bass Clef Space Notes, Musical Alphabet
Repertoire Piece - Ten Little Indians
Video - Ten Little Indians (4:18)
Module 12 - Half Note
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - Half Note
Repertoire Piece - Jingle Bells (Treble and Bass Clef Notes)
Video - Jingle Bells (Treble and Bass Clef Notes) (4:15)
Review 4 - Modules 1 - 12
Module 13 - Quarter Note
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Games - Farmyard Time (Notes)
Flashcards - Quarter Note
Repertoire Piece - Row, Row, Row A Boat (Treble and Bass Clef Notes)
Video - Row Row Row A Boat (Treble and Bass Clef) (2:42)
Module 14 - History Of Music (The Life and Work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Repertoire Piece - Baa, Baa, Black Sheep (Treble and Bass Clef Notes)
Video - Baa Baa Black Sheep (Treble and Bass Clef) (4:22)
Module 15 - Simple Time
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - 4/4 time, simple time
Repertoire Piece - This Old Man (Treble and Bass Clef Notes)
Video - This Old Man (Treble and Bass Clef) (1:39)
Module 16 - Whole Rest
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - Whole Rest
Repertoire Piece - Hickory Dickory Dock
Module 17 - Musical Terms (Dynamic and Tempo Terms)
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Games - Pirate Treasure (Dynamic and Tempo Terms)
Flashcards - Musical Terms (Dynamic and Tempo Terms)
Repertoire Piece - Humpty Dumpty
Module 18 - History of Music (the Life and Work of Ludwig Van Beethoven)
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Repertoire Piece - Kumbaya
Module 19 - Half Rest and Quarter Rest
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Games - Farmyard Time (Rests)
Flashcards - Half Rest, Quarter Rest
Repertoire Piece - Saints Go Marching (Treble and Bass Clef Notes)
Module 20 - Simple Triple Time
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - Simple Triple Time, Staff, Note Bars
Repertoire Piece - Yellow Rose of Texas
Module 21 - Sharps
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Games - Planet Notes and Accidentals
Flashcards - Sharp, Individual Flashcards with Sharps
Repertoire Piece - Ode to Joy (Treble and Bass Clef Notes)
Module 22 - Composition
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Repertoire Piece - Yankee Doodle
Module 23 - Flats
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - Flat, Individual flashcards with the Flats
Repertoire Piece - Farmer in the Dell
Module 24 - History of Music (the Life and Work of Elvis Aaron Presley)
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Repertoire Piece - If You're Happy
Module 25 - Naturals
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - Natural, Individual flashcards with Naturals
Repertoire Piece - Clementine
Module 26 - G Major Scale
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - G Major Fingering and Keyboard
Repertoire Piece - Skip to my Lou
Module 27 - Ear Training (Step Up/Down, Skip Up/Down, Same Line/Space)
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Games - Sea Creature Ear Training
Repertoire Piece - Three Blind Mice
Module 28 - F Major Scale
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - F Major Fingering and Keyboard
Repertoire Piece - Amazing Grace
Module 29 - Simple Duple Time
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - Simple Duple Time
Repertoire Piece - Brother John (Treble and Bass Clef Notes)
Module 30 - Musical Terms (Dynamic Terms)
Presentation Handout
Lesson Plan
Flashcards - Musical Terms (Dynamic and Tempo Terms)
Repertoire Piece - Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Treble and Bass Clef Notes)
Flashcards - Simple Triple Time, Staff, Note Bars
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